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2020-01-14 10.33.34.jpg
2019-01-17 16.03.11.jpg
2019-02-04 13.33.36.jpg
2020-01-26 15.23.20.jpg

A little about me…

The genesis of my passion for working with children with special needs began with my own history as a child with special needs. When I was a child there was no diagnosis, no advocacy, no awareness or nuanced thinking about children with special needs. I was antisocial, at times disruptive and could not focus. School administrators repeatedly called my mother and begged her to have me medicated but with commitment, encouragement and steadfastness from my mother we turned it around and I became one of the top academic students in school and ultimately scoring the highest reading scores in the school history .

I pledge to have that same level of love, encouragement and commitment to your child as was shown to me when others wanted a quick fix.

My work is a pledge to families of dedication and commitment as was shown to me when others wanted a quick fix to a larger problem.